Dinner Tonight

What's for dinner tonight?? Below holds some answers.....

Monday, January 9, 2012

Dinner Jan 8 - Broiled Cod w/ Cous Cous and Asparagus

Hello again my lovely followers!!!  I've missed you guys :))))  I'm glad to be back and VOW to keep this updated!  Since it's a new year and everyone is making resolutions - most of which probably involve getting healthy :) - I've decided to post healthy stuff!!!  Since our family went on a health streak last summer we've managed to stay away from those yummy, cheesy, bad-for-you-but-oh-so-good skillet dishes!!  Which is kinda sad, but sooooo worth it!! 

So let's move on by enjoying a healthy start to 2012!!!

Broiled Cod

4-6 Cod Fillets (2 per adult, one per kiddo)
Salt & Pepper
1/4 t cayenne
1/2 t garlic powder
1 T minced onion
Olive Oil

Preheat oven to broil.  Place fillets on foil-lined cookie sheet.  Sprinkle w/ seasonings listed, using more or less cayenne to taste.  Drizzle w/ Oil.  Broil 8-10 minutes, keeping a close eye on the fish, so it does not burn.  When we made this the smaller pieces got done first, so we had to pull them out and finish the rest of the fish.  This is why you must watch it carefully!!!


1 lb asparagus spears, about 1/3 of the end snapped off to remove the stiff part
Salt & Pepper
Olive Oil

Place asparagus on foil-lined cookie sheet.  Drizzle w/ oil and sprinkle w/ salt & pepper.  Place alongside fish under broiler.  Broil 8-10 min, again watching closely so it doesn't burn.  When you remove the asparagus, if it's still stiff, broil another 3-4 min until it's soft to the touch.

Cous Cous

2 cups chicken broth
1 pkg instant Cous Cous

Boil broth.  When it's at a rolling boil, add cous cous and remove from heat.  Let sit for 5 min.  Fluff w/ fork and enjoy w/ asparagus and fish!!

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